Internet marketing is somewhat of an all-inclusive term used to describe a variety of online, or digital marketing tools and strategies, so in this post we will uncover the most commonly asked internet marketing questions that aren’t covered in our other ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ categories. Remember that we always welcome your queries, so feel free to email with your marketing questions or call Garth on 021 556 5661.

1. What is Internet Marketing?

The term ‘Internet Marketing’ incorporates a variety of digital marketing channels such as your website, social media pages, internet adverts, blogs, webinars and so forth. South African businesses within the small-medium business sector have by and large neglected internet marketing, however with so many more South Africans having access to the internet today, every business should have some form of internet marketing strategy in place in order to succeed. For a comprehensive look at the misconceptions and myths around internet marketing in South Africa and the reason why it is critical for South African companies to develop and maintain an appropriate internet marketing strategy – read our earlier post ‘Internet Marketing in South Africa – why are we so slow on the uptake’. Make 2016 your year for internet marketing success!

2. How can I get my content to go viral on the internet?

Your video, your meme, your blog post – there is no doubt that if your content were to go viral that it would make a significantly beneficial impact to the market awareness of your business and services. Sadly there is no hard and fast way to ensure that your content goes viral. The bottom line is that the content which you do author, needs to be original, with the ability to entertain and evoke emotion. In our article ‘5 Viral Internet Marketing Lessons from Cats’ (even though it was posted a couple of years ago it’s even more relevant in today’s world) we take a look at why these creatures enjoy so much attention on the internet and we discuss the similarities between the factors that make ‘cat content’ and outstanding business related content go viral.

3. What is SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and why is it so important for my business?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is the integration of a range of tactics to enhance the ranking of a website in search results online. Most prospects who are searching for a product or service online, will browse the options that are presented to them on the first page of an internet search. The closer you are to the top of this list, the higher your search ranking. The options that prospects see nearest the top of the page, will receive more attention than those toward the bottom or on subsequent pages. Keeping a website well optimised requires ongoing activity and so a comprehensive approach to SEO will include regular blog and social media posts, in addition to maintaining relevant and informative content on your fully functional website.

4. Is it wise to invest in internet advertising?

Internet advertising (also known as digital online advertising) is a prudent alternative to the traditional print advertising that you would find in magazines and newspapers. An ever increasing number of people are turning to their mobile devices and desktop computers as their key source of information in many aspects of their personal and professional life, so the ability to reach targeted audiences online is today far greater than attempting to reach them via print media. Digital advertising is also typically far cheaper than print advertising, while you are able to target your advertising to a specific target audience. Digital or internet advertising lets you get more bang for your advertising budget.

5. How can I keep my website aligned with current trends?

Technology is evolving at an exceptionally rapid rate which means that there is an ongoing need for the adjustment of websites in order to meet the needs of mobile users and their updated devices. In addition, new ‘search algorithms’ are being released at closer intervals than before (Google changes its search algorithm around 500-600 times every year) and this requires the regular review of website content and internet marketing strategies to ensure ongoing success.

Keeping your website current has therefore become more of an ongoing consideration rather than something one would do every few years. One of the simplest and most affordable methods of keeping your website up-to-date is to schedule and budget a functionality review every 2-3 months. This will enable your website developer to fix any broken links or any other functionality on the website that isn’t working. Content is one of the key differentiators today between a good, well maintained website and a poorly maintained one.

Updating content such as your blogs, video content and social media pages will ensure that your content remains fresh and current. At The Formula we are constantly reviewing current global website design and layout trends. Take a look at some of the more recent stats that ae available to find out what is on trend at the moment.

Are you looking for to implement solid measureable Internet Marketing Program that will help grow your business? Why not book your free online marketing consultation with our talented team at The Formula and discover how we can help your business to boom?

Call Garth or Shiraz on 021 556 5661 or email us: to set up your appointment today.

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